
Do you want to or do you have to?

This is a question that controls most of our life. Sometimes we do things because we have to and other times we do them because it sacrifices us. The difference in my opinion is that when we have to do these things we don't really admire all that surrounds us and the benefit. When we do something we want to do it allows us to take in consideration all that applies with surroundings.

4 Day Weekend

This 4 day weekend for me was very busy I had to take care of my little brother and had a few church groups to attend. I was suppose to work on my rough draft of my essay but I didn't get to it. I had trouble with internet connection and I didn't have a way to get to any local Wi-Fi area. I am planning to work on it today until I finish my rough draft and get it revised tommarow.

What Makes Something Funny?

Something funny in my opinion is lots of things for example sometimes we laugh at other people's pain.  Sometimes we laugh in awkward moments.  It really is a lot we laugh at. For example this video Try not to laugh


Taking responsibility for my actions have made an impact in my life.  It has made me mature a bit.  I look back to freshman year and I think,"Why did I do that." Taking responsibility for what I have done also gives me peace,  I don't worry about,"What if people find out. "


I am in the process of my masterpiece it has been difficult to actually work on it, but it is slowly coming along. I have about half of it complete, now I have to put my all into the other half.


Right now we are having all these test because it's the end of the year. Instead of those test we could of worked on our masterpiece because in my opinion this masterpiece presentation will be an amazing opportunity to teacher each other about topics we want to learn more about!